I decided to head down to the Stampede and shoot the final performance of the Stampede rodeo and.
To change things up from the last time, I decided to shoot the rodeo from the South media building located just above the tie down roping and steer wrestling chute.
Given the weather warning that was issued Sunday, having a roof over my head was a bonus, it was even better that the storm never materialized, though.
South Media was a good place for the bareback event but didn't work very well for the tie down roping and was worse for the steer wrestling.

As for the rest of the events South Media worked but wasn't as good as ground level.
Along with the rodeo action, it was cool to be there to record an end of an era as the Stampede retired bucking horse Grated Coconut (Centre).
Another highlight was saddle bronc rider Chet Johnson. The poor cowboy ended up riding six horses, four more in the same day than any other contestant to make the finals.

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