When I started to work on this it was a little early for new years resolutions, now its right about that time but I'm not much of one for new years resolutions. Be that as it may, starting immediately I plan to use so called social media, this blog, twitter, and to a lesser extent Facebook more effectively.
This means frequent updates starting with a photographic year in review. This year I've decided that instead of a top ten I'm going to write about different kinds of photos and assignments that I had success with in 2011. In no particular order they are: Sports, Rodeo, People, Haiti, Hard News (fire), Feature, and Animals.
Starting with sports, ever since my time in Lloydminster with the Meridian Booster I have been very good at sports photography. This year might be my best yet.
Through a combination of more experience, good planning and a lot of luck I have been able to capture an array of pictures that show the emotion, skill, determination of the athletes.
I think that the football catch below is my best shot of the year. It is also the perfect example of of planning, experience and luck coming together.
Over the years, I have covered all levels of football from atom to the CFL. As the Cobras vs. Phoenix game was being played I decided I wanted to try and get a shot of the receiver catching or reaching for the ball. Since there had been a fair amount of passing in the game I decided to hang around the line of scrimmage to capture the receiver as he turned back towards the QB to make the catch. As the play developed I kept an eye on the receiver and started to shoot as he jumped up for the catch.
This is where the luck came in. I was lucky that the pass was on target and even luckier that no player or referee stepped in front of me.